Privacy Policy and Data Protection Notice

Last Updated on June 9, 2024

Hashscape Corp.- either independently or in collaboration with other entities, organizes and/or carries out the processing of personal data, determining the purposes of such processing, the composition of the data to be processed, and the actions (operations) performed with the personal data.

Website- the company's official website located at:

Policy- this Privacy Notice and the guidelines for personal data processing.

Personal datarefers to information recorded on any tangible medium about an identifiable individual, either directly or indirectly identifiable by reference to one or more factors specific to their biological, economic, cultural, civic, or social identity. This includes biographical and identifying data, personal traits, marital status, financial condition, health status, etc.

Personal data subjectis the individual to whom the personal data pertains.

Processing of personal data- any action (operation) or set of actions (operations) performed with or without the use of automated tools, including the collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, modification), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, and destruction of personal data.


This Policy outlines the principles, purposes, and conditions for processing Personal Data, measures to protect it, and the responsibilities of the Company during such processing.

The use of personal data on the Company Website signifies the user's acknowledgment and acceptance of this Policy.

This Policy is developed in accordance with current legislation on personal data and regulatory guidelines from state executive bodies regarding Personal Data security, including during its processing.

This Policy applies to all processes involving the collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification, extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), blocking, deletion, and destruction of personal data, both with and without the use of automated tools.

This Policy governs personal data processing relationships that have arisen both before and after the approval of this Policy.

The objective of this Policy is to establish fundamental principles, conditions, and approaches to processing and securing personal data by the Company, ensuring compliance with personal data legislation and other relevant regulations.


The Company processes personal data to:


The Company implements all necessary legal, organizational, and technical measures to safeguard personal data from unauthorized or accidental access, alteration, blocking, copying, provision, distribution, or other unlawful actions:

By using the Site and entering into legal relationships with the Company, the Personal Data Subject consents to the transfer of their Personal Data to third parties when necessary for the Company to fulfill its obligations in accordance with applicable laws or commitments to the Personal Data Subject. The Company guarantees that such third parties will provide a comparable level of Personal Data security.

The Company is not required to obtain the Personal Data Subject’s consent to transfer Personal Data in legally stipulated cases.


The Personal Data Subject has the right to know if the Company holds personal data related to them and to receive the following information from the Company:

The Personal Data Subject may request the deletion of their Personal Data from the Company. In such cases, the Company deletes the data except where the law mandates its retention. Upon Personal Data deletion, all existing obligations between the Company and the Personal Data Subject are concluded, and no new obligations are accepted.


The Company retains Personal Data for five years from the date of receipt, unless longer periods are mandated by law or dictated by the nature of the Company-Subject relationship. The Company reserves the right to archive Personal Data indefinitely if compliant with current legislation.


The Company may use the Personal Data to send news, promotions, and other information related to its products and services. It may transfer Personal Data to third parties for assistance with marketing and advertising projects or for sending marketing communications. By using the Site, the Personal Data Subject consents to this Policy and agrees to receive such communications.

The Personal Data Subject can opt out of such communications by contacting the Company with a request.


The Company employs standard practices to place small data files (cookies) in the browser of Site visitors. Cookies may be stored on computers or other devices used to visit the Site, helping identify visitors, optimize services, and enhance quality. The information collected may also be used to comply with regulatory requirements and detect irregular or suspicious activities.


The Company reserves the right to amend this Policy at any time by publishing the revised text on the Site. Monitoring changes to the Policy is the responsibility of the Personal Data Subject. All questions regarding this Policy can be directed

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